Join us this Sunday @ 10:30am for Worship! We also offer Sunday School @ 9:15am (all ages), Sunday Evening Study @ 6:00pm, and Thursday Night Discusion @6:00pm.

Our Sunday Gatherings are at 10:30 AM in-person and live on YouTube. Our in-person worship service meets at 1220 S. Blakeley in Stillwater. 

Wondering what Sunday’s like at Grace Presbyterian Church? Here are some of the questions we are often asked. We cannot wait to meet you, and feel free to reach out if you have more questions about connecting with us.

Who Comes to GPC on Sundays?

There is no one type of person who comes to Grace Presbyterian. Here, all are welcome. From those who have believed in Christ for decades to those who are just investigating who Jesus is, all are welcome here.
We are a family of people of different life stages, backgrounds, races, personalities, ages, etc. We hold to the fact that what unites us is Christ. We long to look more and more like his kingdom every day: a community of people of every tribe, tongue, and nation.

What is Sunday like?

We are a confessional church.  What does it mean to be a confessional church? It is not an attempt to go back to some golden age of past orthodoxy. The sixty-six books of the Bible span thousands of pages, and for centuries Christians have disagreed about what they believe the Bible says and means. Yet the confessions unify us in one church and one denomination. To be a confessional church is to believe that the confessions bind us to one faith (Ephesians 4:5), uniting us to what we collectively confess with our mouth and believe in our heart about the Bible (Romans 10:8-10). Sunday mornings, we will open with prayer, respond to God in his call to worship, sing a few songs of worship together, corparately confess our sins together, we have a time of tithing followed by a prayer, then our pastor will preach a sermon from God’s word, and we will end the service by singing together and hearing the blessing of the lord. Some weeks, we will take communion together, or observe the practice of Baptism. All of these are practices are both Biblical and founded in centuries of Christian tradition.
If any of this sounds strange or new to you, that’s okay. We will do our best to explain what we do, and we always project lyrics to our songs as we sing so that you can participate even if this is new to you.

Wait, did you say singing?

Yes! We love to sing together as an act of worship to our God. Don’t worry if you’ve never heard or sung these songs; we always project the lyrics so that anyone is welcome to sing along.

Baptism? Communion?

If these words are new to you, that’s okay. We will do our best to explain what we do. Both are traditions that are Biblical and founded in centuries of Christian tradition.
Baptism is the immersion of an individual in water as a sign of their commitment to follow Jesus in response to His salvation. Some churches sprinkle water on people or baptize very young children. We typically baptize adults or older children, and always do so by full immersion.
Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is an act of remembrance of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. We take this together to remember the reason we gather. When we gather, any Christian is welcome to participate, whether they are a member of Grace Presbyterian or not. 

What if I have children?

We can’t wait to meet them!
We offer ministry on Sunday for children aged 0 through 5th grade. You can learn more about our Children's Ministry here.
We also understand that some children have unique needs. You are welcome to invite your children to participate in GraceKids, but you are not required to; they are welcome to remain with us in the worship service. We will also do whatever we can to accommodate special needs your child may have.

Why do you do all of this?

On Sundays we get to respond to God together in worship. Here at Grace Presbyterian, we believe that all parts of our service are an act of worship, not just the parts that include singing. We worship God through song. We also worship him through giving, through prayer, through preaching of the word, through communion, and through welcoming all who gather in the peace and love of Christ.

  1. Sundays are for making much of Jesus.

It’s not about the people on the stage, whether they’re singing, praying, preaching, or whatever. It’s about Jesus: his life, death, and resurrection that redeems all of life.

  1. Sundays are for everyone.

You don’t need a degree in theology for Sundays to make sense to you. We strive for all aspects of our service to be accessible, biblical, and wholly centered on the gospel, no matter what your background or age. That’s why we have age-appropriate curriculum in each of our kids classes, because we want to partner with you in raising up disciples, not just babysit your kids.

  1. Sundays are a beginning.

Sundays are not the end of our Christian life. They’re important, and much of our need for Christ will be met during the other 6 days of the week, too. We need Christ every moment of every day. Sundays are meant to be a place where we can be encouraged, pointed to truth, and sent back out to make God known and love our neighbors down the street and around the world.
This is why we have The Four Course Meal: our way of having a gospel central ministry. Click here to learn more.