Join us this Sunday @ 10:30am for Worship!
We also offer Sunday School @ 9:15am (all ages), Sunday Evening Worship @ 6:00pm, and Wednesday Night Discussion 6:00pm.

Biblical Fidelity & Confessional Integrity

Our officers have unyielding commitment to the inspiration, inerrancy, authority, sufficiency, and efficacy of Scripture for faith and practice, along with a resolute adherence to the Westminster Standards (Isa. 55:10-11; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Titus 1:9; 2 Pet. 1:21; Rom. 10:17; Jude 3; Heb. 10:23). While we love and encourage people to ask all kinds of questions, we speak the truth in love by providing biblical and confessional answers.

Gospel-Driven & Christ-Exalting Ministry

A sincere passion to proclaim the gospel of grace, always with the aim of exalting Christ in the hearts, minds, and affections of God’s people (1 Cor. 1:23; 2:2; Eph. 3:8; John 21:15-19; Phil. 1:21; 3:8).

Earnest Prayer & Expository Preaching

A resolve to practice fervent prayer in the closet and from the pulpit, along with an unbending dedication to expository preaching that informs the mind, transforms the heart, and stirs the affections (Matt. 6:5-13; 1 Thess. 5:17; Acts 2:42; Eph. 1:15-23; Acts 2:14-36, 42; 12:5; 20:27; Rom. 10:14-15; 2 Tim. 4:1-5).

Intentional Evangelism & Personal Discipleship

A purposeful commitment to biblical evangelism, coupled with a dedication to the old paths of serious, deliberate, faith-maturing discipleship (Luke 9:1-6; Acts 7:1-60; 8:26-40; Matt. 28:19; Luke 9:23-24; Col. 1:28-29). We assume that everyone who walks through our doors is a sinner and sufferer. Whoever walks through our doors and whoever we meet outside our doors, we hold out Jesus Christ as sufficient for their conversion, justification, and sanctification. We also recognize that every Christian is simultaneously a saint, sinner, and sufferer--although saint is the primary identity. With this worldview, we disciple people with the realization that they will still wrestle with sin on this side of heaven (Rom. 7:13-25). Nevertheless, we believe that Christ is the greater power of sin and suffering and we should not be ultimately defined by our sin or suffering even though it describes our current experience (Rom. 6-8). We believe in definitive, positional, and progressive sanctification. This means that while every Christian is definitively a saint, positionally united to Christ forever, they are progressively (slowly but surely) learning to live more like Jesus. One day in heaven, we will be glorified and perfected from all sin, our sinful nature, and all possible temptations (1 John 3:2).

Godly Leadership & Presbyterian Polity

A sincere devotion to personal piety among church leadership, coupled with a strong adherence to biblical Presbyterianism (Acts 20:28; 1 Tim. 4:12; 1 Pet. 5:1-4; Acts 15:1-21; 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9). We pursue a grace-based, gospel-driven, means of grace empowered piety and promote such godliness among our people. We strive to practice presbyterian polity with this pursuit of godliness. We believe that when the Holy Spirit is growing us in grace that our presbyterian polity is a blessing to all people in the church.

Reformed Worship & Vibrant Community

A joyful commitment to, and humble confidence in, the ordinary means of grace in Lord’s Day worship, coupled with the nurture of loving Christian fellowship (Ex. 20:1-11; Ps. 100; Acts 2:42-47; 20:7; Rom. 12:10; 1 Cor. 11:17-34; 12:12-31; John 13:34; WCF XXI; WLC Q. 153-196).

Missional Clarity & Church Multiplication

A fervent and undistracted commitment to make disciples of all nations through the preaching of the gospel, partnering with and praying for the planting and strengthening of biblical churches (Matt. 28:16-20; Acts 14:7, 21-23; 15:35; Rom. 10:14-17; Titus 1:5-9).